Founded in April 2005, Friends of a Legacy (F.O.A.L.) is a non-profit grassroots organization committed to preserving and protecting the wild horse herd living in McCullough Peaks.
New to Friends of a Legacy?
We love sharing our latest activities with supporters of the McCullough Peaks wild horses... like you!
In the News
The Healthier, Greener, Kinder Foundation, in collaboration with The Hideout Lodge and Guest Ranch, created a beautiful 2025 calendar with all proceeds benefiting FOAL.
Click to learn more and order your calendar today! They are high quality, and really beautiful!

Keyhole still holding water in 2023
Reservoir Visits and {Not Always Welcome} Surprises
One of FOAL’s reservoir projects two years ago was Keyhole. It is situated in a promising drainage. Jerry Nicholson, who has done most of FOAL’s reservoir projects, repaired the outlet and cleaned out the sediment and shrubs/small trees.
When we visited the reservoir a year later, we found a disappointingly small body of water surrounded by bleached ground where the water had clearly reached a good depth temporarily. <Learn More>

The PZP Solution

How You Can Help

The key to wildlife population control isn't in culling out the existing population but in addressing its reproduction.
Your donation of time, talent, and monetary gifts are greatly appreciated. FOAL welcomes other dedicated volunteers!
Interested in starting your own advocacy group? Partnerships have proven to be a big part of our success.
Please Remember!
It is important that when visiting the Peaks you stay on the existing roads. Due to the fragile nature of the environment, any new tire tracks will scar the landscape forever.
Also, please stay at least 500 feet away from the horses. When they become too habituated to people, they have the tendency to venture too close. Any harm to humans might result in the horse being euthanized by the BLM.
Thank you for your cooperation!