These three reservoirs, namely Yellow Sepal, Takula, and Keyhole, were selected for rehabilitation because of their location, which is approximately halfway between existing water sources, those being Dry Creek on the southeast portion of the Herd Management Area, and four reservoirs which are more centrally located (approximately 8-10 miles to the northwest of the southeast corner of the Herd Management Area). Those four reservoirs, namely Greys, Holiday, Sidenote, and Flatlander, were successfully rehabbed in 2021.
Takula Reservoir: Before and After
We are pleased to report that Yellow Sepal, Takula, and Keyhole Reservoirs, thanks to good amounts of precipitation this past winter and early spring, are already holding significant amounts of water. Please find photos attached below.
Yellow Sepal Reservoir: Before and After
Plans for this year are to do major overhauls of at least two reservoirs further toward the northern portion of the Herd Management Area. We have tentatively selected two, namely Wagon Box and Baby Hoot Owl. Estimated cost to rehab those two is between $20,000 and $24,000. Then, in 2024, we expect to be working on reservoirs which are located more westerly, as we hope to entice at least some of the horses to utilize a larger portion of Herd Management Area, thus accomplishing our goals to spread the grazing animals out more and therefore improve the overall condition of the habitat.