Identifying potential partners, making contact with them, and establishing partnerships has been a big asset for FOAL.
It comes as no surprise that we have formed an on-going partnership with the BLM.
Fairly early on, we developed a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the BLM, and we have partnered with them on nearly all of our projects involving the wild horses and the HMA.
Other partners include: Marathon Oil Company, Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Trust, Wyoming Wildlife Federation, Shoshone Back Country Horsemen, Cody High School Outdoor Club, Greater Yellowstone Coalition, the graphic arts department of Northwest College, Park County Weed and Pest District, Big Horn County Weed and Pest District, Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), Montana Conservation Corps, Wildlife Land Trust, a local chapter of the Audubon Society, and the National Wild Turkey Foundation.
FOAL corresponds with other wild horse advocacy groups. Our primary contact is with our closest neighbor, the Pryor Mountain Wild Mustang Center.
They kindly shared their 501 (c) (3) application paperwork to use as a template when we were putting together FOAL’s. We have met with them on several occasions, and we share common ideas and goals.

FOAL joined and keeps up membership with the Chambers of Commerce in our local cities.
As a member, FOAL has hosted “Business After Hours” gatherings that serve to support our education goals as well as nurture connections with and among the different communities.
FOAL invites local media to our public events and to see our projects.